Welcome to Madarsa Darul Huda Online

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Darul Huda Online

Madarsa Darul Huda started in july 2017, Our main purpose and intention behind starting this madarsa was to introduce madarsa and other Islamic course to those who can’t afford to visit madarasa due to their work and other personal and professional responsibilites. When we started this madarsa, we had a very mixed feelings and we were excited as well as nervous whether we are able to fulfill the gap and able to provide the high quality of education what our scholars and ulemas did in their time. But Alhamdulillah by passing time we learn from our mistakes and we kept moving until we made this madarsa very successful and now we will try to make this success constant in future too In Sha Allah. As we all know, actions works better than words so we would like to invite you to read our student testmonials and feedback as well as watch our demo classes on website and youtube to understand what we have achieved.